Today Programs Details

SpeakerTopic1st time Playing2nd time playing3rd time playing
1Hafiz M. Yahya Aziz meermuhammadiSurah Ghafir with urdu Translation EP:6912:00:00 PM7:27:11 PM2:54:22 AM
2Dr. Hafiz Muhammad ZubairSeerat un Nabi PBUH Project EP:1112:35:13 PM8:02:24 PM3:29:35 AM
3Ustaza Najiha HashmiSurah Kahal Tafsir EP:2612:45:19 PM8:12:30 PM3:39:41 AM
4Al-Shaikh, Abu Saif M.RafiqQuestions about Namaz EP:111:15:59 PM8:43:10 PM4:10:21 AM
5Muhammad Malik BhinderBazm e Ulama EP:141:37:16 PM9:04:27 PM4:31:38 AM
6Shaikh Jawad MusaThe signs of Qayama EP:032:06:45 PM9:33:56 PM5:01:07 AM
7Al-Shaikh, Abu Saif M.RafiqDua for knowledge and sustinance2:35:36 PM10:02:47 PM5:29:58 AM
8Qari Saleem ullah MadniBeautiful Naat2:38:55 PM10:06:06 PM5:33:17 AM
9Al-Shaikh Mukhtar Al-MadniNoor e Islam (The Sins of Abusing)2:43:36 PM10:10:47 PM5:37:58 AM
10Al-Shaikh, Abu Saif M.RafiqSalat Program P.62:52:08 PM10:19:19 PM5:46:30 AM
11Hafiz M. Yahya Aziz meermuhammadiSurah Fussilat with Urdu Translation EP:703:15:19 PM10:42:30 PM6:09:41 AM
12Dr. Hafiz Muhammad ZubairSeerat un Nabi PBUH Project EP:113:39:31 PM11:06:42 PM6:33:53 AM
13Shaikh Abdul Jabbar BilalSeerat un Nabi podcast4:40:54 PM12:08:05 AM7:35:16 AM
14Dr. Kanwal KaiserParenting is a proces EP:015:03:23 PM12:30:34 AM7:57:45 AM
15Dr. Junaid IqbalZikr o Dua series EP:235:18:07 PM12:45:18 AM8:12:29 AM
16Shaikh Kashif Naseem DilkhushaGood manners EP:205:22:23 PM12:49:34 AM8:16:45 AM
17Ustaza Najiha HashmiThe Rays of Quran EP:275:26:21 PM12:53:32 AM8:20:43 AM
18Shaikh Atif AhmadChallenges of leadership5:42:05 PM1:09:16 AM8:36:27 AM

Note: All these Programs will run according to the Pakistani Time Zone